WELCOME TO The Expert Extraction Academy

The Best Platform to Master and Enhance your Extraction Skills.

We have developed a comprehensive platform to help dentists become masters at tooth extractions. With our carefully curated resources that cater to your learning needs, we are confident that you'll gain the necessary skills to excel in this field. At Expert Extraction Academy, we are proud to offer three exclusive courses that cover all extraction types. You'll have the opportunity to learn hands-on with live patients, giving you the confidence to apply your knowledge in the real world.
Our intricately designed courses are aimed at boosting your confidence and elevating your knowledge and techniques in extractions. We are not just a learning platform; we are a community of passionate dental surgeons who want to stay ahead of the curve in this industry.
Join Expert Extraction Academy and become a confident master in tooth extractions.

tooth Extractions, Socket Preservations and third Molar Extractions

In dentistry today tooth extractions are among the most common procedures, yet many dentists overlook this basic skill.This is a must-read for any dentist looking to advance their current skills or learn new ones.

Socket Grafting with Extractions and PRP/PRF: A Hands-On Live-Patient Program

Embark on a transformative two-day journey that equips you with advanced skills in tooth extraction techniques, bone grafting, and more.

Mastering Third Molar Extractions: A Hands-On Live-Patient Program

Welcome to an intensive two-day course designed to equip dental professionals with the skills and confidence to extract a range of third molars effectively and safely.